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The Art of Luxury Services - Suna Kabadayi

The meaning of luxury is constantly evolving. Luxury is no longer determined by the best quality of goods, furnishings of the point of sales , or facilities of a hotel.

The meaning of luxury is constantly evolving. Luxury is no longer determined by the best quality of goods, furnishings of the point of sales , or facilities of a hotel. Without the service component luxury simply does not exist. Living new experiences is the luxury of the 21st century.

Great customer service is imperative for success in any business but creating a culture of service in luxury market is deeper and further than simply responding well to customers. Service excellence requires a more proactive attitude and mindset then being reactive as in old times. This requires a concentration on customer needs –being interested and curious to know them, and displaying passion and compassion in delivering perfection.It is elevating customers through emotionally engaged employees aligning their behaviorsattitude and mindset with brand proposition.

The emotional connection create an experience that is unique to the brand.

Genuine, authentic and meaningful connections through each individual and staff –is what the art luxury service should be aiming for today.

Contact to learn more and schedule a 30 min  personal consultation.