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Services - Suna Kabadayi

Suna Kabadayı provides a full range of impression management, personal branding and leadership trainings, communication consultancy and coaching services essential for professionals and enterpreneurs in their professional and social life.

CORPORATEWorkshops & Speaker

Suna Kabadayı is an engaging and sought after speaker on professional presence and leadership.

CORPORATEExecutive Coaching

Suna Kabadayi is specialized in Leadership & Executive Presence Coaching aspiring professionals, high potential leaders and C-Suite executives, developing the leadership skills to advance.

CORPORATECorporate Style

A high proportion of dress code policies, maintain a singular culture and fall short of genuine inclusion. Corporate style consultations help you overcome those barriers enabling you have a dress code implementation plan.

CORPORATEStyling for Broadcasting

Image consulting and styling services on how to make a great impression on broadcast TV aim in bringing empowering standards for TV presenters and reporters.

CORPORATEThe Art of Luxury Services

The meaning of luxury is constantly evolving. Luxury is no longer determined by the best quality of goods, furnishings of the point of sales , or facilities of a hotel.

CORPORATE/PERSONALPersonal Styling / Image Consulting

Your physical appereance is the one personal charactheristic that is obvious and accessible to others in almost all social situations both professional and personal. An attractive visual image increases self-esteem and confidence.
happy family having fun outdoors

CORPORATE / PERSONALPersonal Branding Coaching

Personal branding is critical in today’s competitive workforce but the biggest component of personal branding is making sure you are telling a compelling story to your audience. How is your story being told and how is it being perceived?

PERSONALPersonal Stylist Training

Our program prepares you to become successful personal stylists and personal shoppers.

This is my gift to you

Have questions but you’re not ready to meet one-on-one?
Join me for a 40 minute webinar, learn the basics at your own comfort.

This is my gift to you

Have questions but you’re not ready to meet one-on-one?
Join me for a 40 minute webinar, learn the basics at your own comfort.


Learn choosing the correct hues in the colors that best suit your skin tones and color combinations that will make you look younger, healthier, feminine and energetic.

PRESENCEPower up your image for women

When women are given support to step into their power with impact, authenticity and presence, everyone wins. This webinar is for women who want to enhance their professional influence.

PERSONAL STYLEHow to build a capsule wardrobe

Find the answer to your getting ready dilemma by minimizing your closet. Simplify your life with pieces that look amazing and fit your lifestyle. Get started guide to creating a capsule wardrobe and smart shopping strategies.

MINDFULNESSMaking peace with stress

Whenever, out of control, stress can interfere with well-being and impact interactions with others. Learn signs and symptoms of stress, energy management strategies to boost resilience by reframing situations.

Empowering individuals and corporations
who need a transition in life

Empowering individuals and corporations
who need a transition in life