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Corporate Style - Suna Kabadayi

A high proportion of dress code policies, maintain a singular culture and fall short of genuine inclusion. Corporate style consultations help you overcome those barriers enabling you have a dress code implementation plan.

Today, the world is a different place than a decade ago. How will your organization prepare itself, your talent pipeline and organizational structure to ensure a competitive advantage that embodies a global mindset?
A high proportion of dress code policies, maintain a singular culture and fall short of genuine inclusion. Corporate style consultations help you overcome those barriers enabling you have a dress code implementation plan that can be tailored and defined to meet your organization’s needs. Working with senior leaders through a needs assessment and evaluation of current state and we establish a baseline. By comparing this to industry benchmarks, we can propose a dress code solution that supports management goals and employee needs while keeping in mind resources and other challenges the organization may face.
Improving the culture within an organization, in meaningful ways—beyond traditional models of do’s and do not’s list is the ultimate purpose improving mindsets
Over the next decade, the world will continue to be even more interconnected.
With more diverse workforces and marketplaces, organizations need to rethink their strategies to remain innovative.
We help organizations structure tailored initiatives and programs to both attract and retain a strong, diverse talent pipeline. Most importantly, we can help you build company cultures where people feel a sense of belonging.”

Contact to learn more and schedule a 30 min  personal consultation.